Early-stage plant protection is a highly specialized activity. The plants in nursery or in open field require to be protected against soil and air borne pests and pathogens and at the same time protect the plant against abiotic stress.

Hi Cell Bellator, is a OMRI compliant herbal formulation suitable for early stage plant protection against soil borne bacterial infections as well as sucking pests.” Hi cell Bellator” has systemic action against sucking pests, leaf minors and pathogens. Additionally “Hi Cell Bellator” protects plant against abiotic stress and boost growth.

Hi Cell Bellator, has shown consistent results in field conditions against all types of sucking pests and soil borne infections. Hi Cell Bellator, is specially formulated for early growth stages and for nursery stage growth of saplings.

Application of Hi cell Bellator during early stages of plant growth (germination, shoot development, sapling maturity) has been found to provide outstanding results. An indispensable formulation for sapling producers. Hi cell Bellator has proven to reduce the turnaround time in the nursery by few days  (4-7 days) and not to mention development of strong and healthy nursery plants.

Hi Cell Bellator,is absorbed by roots and has potent antifungal action and facilitates good root formation in the nursery plugs.

Stages : Nursery or early establishment or growth
Dosage: 0.25-0.50% of water in drench and 0.25-0.40% in spray