Pests are major wealth destroyer for horticultural as well as agricultural industry. Present day biorational/chemical l methods and formulations are getting redundant and newer molecules are hard to come by .A huge amount of money and effort is spent every year on developing newer chemical based molecules but they  are facing stiff regulatory regimes!

Whereas organism based bio controls are struggling to meet the efficacy level of their chemical counterparts. Many EU countries have put restrictions on use of Azadaracthin/karanjin on horticultural crops.

Relentless efforts by scientists at Hi Cell have resulted in isolating anti feedant factor  from commonly consumed herbs and develop a mechanism to transfer into plant absorbable form.

Hi Cell Eradico is probably first biorational antifeedant formulation to have proven systemic  action against various sucking pests such aphids, Jassids, White flies, thrips mites , caterpillar,leaf minor etc.“Hi Cell Eardico”has performed at par with most popular  chemical systemic insecticidal  formulations  in field conditions against shoot and fruit borer of brinjal ,thrips of chilies and capsicums.


The novelty of Hi Cell Eradico is that it can be used in drench. After application to the roots Hi cell Eradico is absorbed fast . The results can be seen immediately after 48 hours. In our field trails we have observed that Hi Cell Eradico’s efficacy is at par with most of the presently available systemic insecticides.

Another unique feature of “Hi Cell Eradico” is that it  has both contact as well as systemic action. Hi Cell Eradico can also be applied on the leaves for good results.

Apart from giving protection against various pests/worms  “Hi cell Eradico” has complementary action against bacteria as well. When applied as drench “Hi Cell Eradico” gives excellent protection against soil borne bacterial infections.

Hi Cell Eradico is safe for plants and roots when applied in given ratio. The effect of Hi Cell Eradico lasts for 10-15 days depending on stage of growth. When the crop is growing very fast Hi Cell Eradico needs to be applied at shorter intervals where asplant is growing slower the application interval can be extended to more than 15  days.

Hi Cell Eradico is absorbed fast by plant and distributed through systemic pathways with potent anti feedant action.

Crops : Short and medium duration crops

Stages: Can be applied during growing stages of any short and medium duration crops.

Dosage :Dosage: 0.2-0.4% of water in drench and spray whenever it is required

Hi Cell Eradico is zero PHI product can be applied prior to harvest.

EPA registration in process