Crop yields and quality these days is constantly under pressure due to various reason. The reason can be attributed to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses. Various types of PGRs are used to mitigate these problems. PGRs consist of sea weed extract, hormones and other organic substances.
Mother nature has provided us with number of products those can enhance flowering and fruiting in various crops. Our scientist have scanned number of such flavonoid and diterpenes which could induce flowering and fruiting in all types of crops. These substances were later on refined and formulated in a way that can achieve maximum effect with minimum quantities of active ingredients.
Hi Cell Incrementum is a unique non hormonal non nutrient based type of PGR that has shown to increase yields in horticultural as well as agricultural crops by 15-25%. Hi cell Incrementum is derived from commonly used herbs and is OMRI compliant.
For best results Hi Cell Incrementum need to be applied at critical stages of plant development. In case of one time harvest crops two applications , first one while flowering and second one after immediately after fruit set. In case of multiple harvest crops such as capsicums , tomatoes , zucchini where multiple harvests are done application of Hi Cell Incrementum every week results in increased yield.
Hi Cell Incrementum is cost effective and efficacious with broad activity profile. Hi Cell Incrementum has shown to increase flowering and increase fruit/seed weight thereby substantially increasing the yield.
Hi cell Incrementum uniformly increases the yield of annual and perennial type of crops.
Hi Cell Incrementum when applied twice on cotton/ soyabean crop increases the bud/pod numbers and bud/ pod weight by 15-20%
Hi Cell Incrementum increases flowering and fruiting in solanaceous crops.
Hi cell Incrementum increases yield in wheat and rice crops by 10-15%.
Hi Cell Incrementum increases cotton ball formation in early and late season plantations.
Hi Cell Incrementum increase the berry/fruit weight and size in Grape/Apple crops.
Crops: all types of horticultural and agricultural crops.
Stage: Pre bloom and Pre maturity
Dose: 0.1-0.2% of water