Table grape production is requires sophisticated agronomical practices. There are many types of harmonal PGRs used in table grape cultivation such as GA3/GA7, CPPU ( a cytokinin) Brassino steroids Etc. These hormones only increase the size of the berries but have negative impact on the fruit quality!
For example application of GA at wrong stage or concentration can lead weak pedicles and berry drop. Where as application of CPPU & Brassino steroids can initiate lignification of bunch stalks and pedicles and interfere with sugar and flavor development of berries. Similarly some newer developed grape varieties do not tolerate GA3 applications.
In Late stages of temperate fruit development Increasing size, brix levels and improving flavor in maturing fruits remains most challenging task for any agronomist. In many instances Potassium, vitamins, amino acids etc are applied with limited success.
Hi Cell Suavis is one of its kind growth promoter that can induce growth independently of any hormonal intervention such as GA3 , Cytokinin etc. Hence Hi Cell Suavis can be used for fruit size increase in seedless as well as seeded fruits . The size increase achieved is inversely proportional to application date as to harvesting date (meaning earlier application results in larger size increase) The size increase in fruits achieved with improvement in organoleptic qualities ! This unique property makes Hi Cell Suavis most important product for all types of horticultural crops.
Hi Cell Suavis is one of its kind versatile biorational product can have multiple benefits for grapes and other fruits. In the initial berry formation stage Hi Cell Suavis can be applied in lue or in combination with GA3 this will facilitate faster berry enlargement.
Growers should keep in mind that even small increase in diameter or TSS content will eventually translate into substantial increase in farm gate weights. For example on 1mm increase in grape berry size will mean a 12% increase in weight where as 10% increase in TSS will translate in 7% increase in farm gate weight! The same is true for most of the fruit crops.
In Grapes, Hi Cell Suavis can be applied at the berry initiation stage in grapes and fruit formation in apples to increase size of the fruit by initiating faster multiplication of cells.
In Cherries “Hi Cell Suavis” can be applied in the initial stage to increase the size (improve flesh-to-seed ratio ), later on it can be applied for brix ( TSS )+ size improvement.
In Apples “Hi Cell Suavis” can be applied to improve the size in initial stage and before maturity application will improve Brix+ flavor+size of apples irrespective of the variety.
In Melon crop Hi Cell Suavis can be applied to improve sugar ( TSS) during maturity The grower should understand that even a small increase in brix will translate into increased farm gate weights.
In Strawberries / Rasberries Hi cell Suavis will increase berry size sweetness and also enhance botrytis tolerance of berries.
In Solanaceous crop Hi cell Suavis will increase fruit size and improve keeping quality of fruits.
Crops: All fruit crops were size & brix level increase is desired.
Dosage: 0.25% in water (2 applications)
Hi cell Suavis is Zero PHI