Only herbal solution to inhibit ethylene synthesis in plants and also extends shelf life of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits.
Hi Cell Viceroy is a unique herbal + amino acid based formulation that enhances growth, yield andquality of all types horticultural and field crops. Hi Cell Viceroy has tendency to delay senescence in all types of plants.This in other means that Hi Cell Viceroy will keep the plants more productive for longer period of time.
Hi Cell Viceroy Theanti senescence action of Hi Cell Viceroy ( if applied in initial stages of viral infection ) is so potentthat the virus infested plants show marked improvement in growth parameters !
Nursery Stages : Hi Cell Viceroyapplicationassists the young seedling to establish and acclimatize to the new environment faster. Since most of the horticultural crops grown today are hybrid and have fixed life cycle hence early establishment plays a major role optimum performanceof the plantation.
Growth Stage : This period of plant life cycle generally determines the success of plantation. Better performance during growing stage results in higher yield and betterquality produce. Hi Cell Viceroyapplicationassists the vegetable&fruit crops to develop healthy white root system thereby facilitating absorptionof greater amount of soil nutrients eventually resulting in better growth and enhanced disease tolerance. Profuse white root system results inmore number of larger and thicker leaves thus enhanced photosynthetic activity translating in higher dry weight of above and under ground parts of the plant.
Maturity : Application of Hi CellViceroy during maturity of vegetable / fruits crops will result in better quality horticultural produce . The harvested fruits and vegetables willhave distinctly superior size, weight, colour and appearance. Enhanced fruit quality will result inbetter marketability, thinner skins and higher returns for the farmers.
Flowering & Fruiting : Hi Cell Viceroy application induces extensive flowering & fruiting in all the type of vegetable and fruit crops ! This results in early, consistent and higher yields of produce.
Fruit Quality : Regular application of Hi Cell Viceroy on fruit and vegetable crops significantly enhances the organoleptic parameters fruits have thinner skins .Better quality of the produce will mean higher realization for the farmer.Hi cell Viceroy application has shown to improve the nutrient profile of the produce.Horticulturists can always rely of Hi Cell Viceroy for outstanding quality of produce.Hi cell Viceroy has tendency to inhibit senescence in plantsthis means that the plant remain younger andproductive for longer period of time !
Application of HI Cell Viceroy can delay fruit ripening, hence we adviceto stop application of Hi Cell Viceroy applications once the fruit plucking has commenced as in case of fresh market tomatoes , strawberries, raspberries etc. How ever in case of those fruits which do not change colour or are plucked and consumed in unripened state grower can continue to apply Hi Cell Viceroy for higher yield without worrying about PHI.
Disease Tolerance: Hi Cell Viceroyapplied crops showed better tolerance to Viral infections as compared to controls. The attack of downy mildew and bacterial infections were better tolerated/ reduced as compared to controls.
Solanaceous :Hi cell Viceroy has been extensively tested on Solanaceous plants. Hi Cell Viceroy always showed superior results as compared to controls. With application of Hi Cell Viceroy there was significant increase in number and weight of fruits harvested. The ripened fruit’scolour and firmness also showed significant improvement In case of fresh market tomatoes , coloured capsicums or any other solanaceous crop were the fruits are harvested in semi ripened or ripened stage Hi Cell Viceroy should not be appliedsince this can delay ripening.
Cucurbits : Regular application of Hi Cell Viceroy on cucurbit crops will ensure stronger vines with larger and greener leaves resulting in better fruit set. The fruits grow larger and faster resulting in better farm gate yields. In case of melon and watermelons the vines will be stronger andlast longer.This eventually translatesin larger fruits with higher brix. In case of cucumbers/courgettes/zucchinithe fruit development will be faster resulting in higher yields. In all the cases the organoleptic qualityand nutrient valueof the fruits would be significantly enhanced. Hi CellViceroy applied cucurbit vines remained green and healthy for longer period of time as compared to controls thereby resulting in better quality fruits for longer period of time.
Sudden wilt : This is the name every cucurbit farmer dreads ! Hi Cell Viceroy assists the melon vine to develop healthy root system thereby significantly reducing the incidence of sudden wiltin the melon and watermelon plants. In our extensive trailsit was established that Hi Cell Viceroy applied melons vines developed larger canopy and produced larger fruits , while the vines remained greener /healthier for longer period of time as compared to controls!!
Cole crops : High Cell Viceroy has shown excellent results in Cole crops. Speciallyby enhancing size and colour of produce. All Cole crops showed better tolerance to fungal diseases and tolerance to bolting as compared to controls.
Onions & Garlic : Hi Cell Viceroy has shown excellent results when sprayed ( @ 2-4 ml/Litre of water) regularly on Onions. Initially the stem neck size increased significantly. The bulb size increased by 15-30% as compared to controls. The onions also showed better tolerance to wilt and fungus.
Tea Gardens : When applied to tea plants Hi Cell Viceroy will mak ethe tea crop stronger increase the photosynthesis thereby increase the fresh leave production. HI Cell Viceroy will improve organoleptic quality of leaves resulting better grades at auction house.