For early flowering and sucking pests free plants.
Hi Cell Victor is unique herbal formulation that can help produce early yields of highest quality horticultural produce.Hi Cell Victor is protects the plants from all types of sucking pests. Hi Cell Victorhas potent anti oxidative properties which influence gene protection enabling enhanced phenotype expression.This will mean that when applied to aging trees/ vinesthey will produce higher yield of better quality horticultural produce. Our trails on aging fruit trees have shown dramatic increase in yield and improved quality on all types of horticultural plants.
In Field conditions “Hi Cell Victor” protects the plant from sucking pests such as aphids and jassids and white flies on all crops , yellow mites on pomegranate and thrips in chilis ( open filed as well as polyhouse) As we all know that sucking pests are main vectors of most of the virus infections in plants , application of Hi Cell Victor can go a long way in controlling viral infestations in all types of crops.Hi Cell Victor has also shown to control leaf minor in solanaceous and cucurbit crops.Hi Cell Victor can be a one stop solution for control of sucking pests and worms in all types of plants.
Hi cell victor induces early flowering in all types of crops. Tomatoes flower 4-5 days earlier with regular application of Hi Cell Victor. In case of Alphanso mangoes Hi Cell Victor induces early flowering ad profuse flowering.
Pomegranate :Application of Hi Cell Victor will give excellent protection against yellow mites on pomegranate flowers .Use of “Hi Cell Victor”In combination with “Hi Cell Master” can successfully control “Xanthomonas axanopodisPunicae”and other hard to control xanthomonas type infections on various types horticultural crops.
Grape: Hi Cell Victor can be applied to grapes in all stages to control sucking pests (aphids,Jassids thripsetc ) The action of Hi Cell Victor is both systemic as well as contact. Drenching theshoot with Hi Cell Victor Plus s will be useful in effective management of mealy bug ( due to ovicidal action).
Soloneceous Crops Application of Hi Cell Victor on solanaceous crops will give effective management of most of the sucking pests. Hi Cell Victor will control leaf minors when applied in early stages. As wel all know that sucking pets are vectors for most of the viral infections , regular application of Hi Cell Victor will go long way in mitigating deadly virus infections on solanaceous crops. Hi cell Victor will induce early flowering and better growth in all types of solanaceous crops.
Cucurbits :Hi Cell Victor when applied @ 2-3ml/L will give excellent control of most of the sucking pest on cucurbits. Vines will be more stronger and produce plenty of early pistilate flowers ( most important to achieve higher yield s) Hi Cell Victor application will bring out the best performance in hybrid as well as open pollinated varieties. Drenching of Hi Cell Master (2ml/L)r and Hi cell Victor ( 2ml/L) will assist the cucurbit vine to fight soil borne diseases and leaf pests simultaneously resulting in higher yields of better quality fruits.
Green House Vegetables : Green house horticulture and floriculture crops are prone to severe infestation (hard to eradicate ) of sucking pests such as thrips , ahids etc. Regulars application of Hi Cell Victor will give excellent protection against these pests.Increase in production would be an added benefit.
Mango : Hi Cell Victor when applied on mango trees @ 2-4 ml/L 60 days before flowering will induce early flowering. Application of Hi Cell Victor after flowering will give excellent protection against thrips and aphids ( those destroy the inflorescence in early stages ). It has been noticed in our trails on Alphonso mangoes that application of Hi Cell Victor will result early &higher fruiting as compared to controls.Regular application of Hi Cell Victor can be one stop solution for most of the problems of Alphonso mango production.
Temperate Fruits : Temperatefruit crops are subject to heavy infestation of sucking pest during their fruiting and maturation stages. Hi Cell Victor can bea safe non chemical solutions for control of all types of sucking pests and worm infestation on temperate crops.
Tea Garden : Tea gardens are infested with different types of insects and pests during their growing cycle. This problem is aggravated due to climate change and increasing tolerance to all approved pesticidesnecessitating frequent applications of chemicals.Hi Cell Victorcan be a most safe and effective solution to mitigate this problem.