For brix and size enhancement for non-climacteric food.
Unique herbal formulation specially developed for table and wine grapes. Hi cell Vitis application will always bring out best performance of the grape vine, be it bunch formation, or berry maturity or brix development !Hi Cell Vitis can be your most trusted partner in producing quality grapes for export.
Hi Cell Crop sciences introduces a new and innovative concept in improving the yield and quality of horticultural produce.Highly intensive horticulture practices couples with indifferent climatic condition often results in damaging the plant DNA. The damaged DNA results in lower yields of below par quality of grapes.
Growth: Regular application ( 7-10 day apart concentration of 2-4 ml/litre ) of Hi Cell Vitis on grape vines at pre pruning stage induced white root development, increased leaf size and photosynthetic activity which translated in better vine growth. The young bunches bearing stems were stronger & thicker and thus developed more number of productive buds on fertile cane. Thereby resulting in emergence of greater number of bunches per vine. Also the emerging bunches were larger with profuse berry count.
Canopy Development after fruit set :In all type of grapes the canopy development after pruning /fruit set is an important criteria that determines the quantity and quality of the harvest. Regular spray of Hi Cell Vitis at the rate of 2-4 ml/litre of water every 7-10 days after pruning induced profuse canopy resulting in higher yield of better quality grapes as compared to controls and also less sunburn.
Berry Development :Regular application of (7-10 days apart ,with concentration of 2-4 ml/ litre) Hi Cell Vitis will increase berry size by 15-25 percent as compared to controls ! This will result in larger berries at the time of harvest fetching better price and higher farmgate yields. Our multi locational trails on 70 grape farms during the years 2019-21 it was observed that Hi Cell Vitis applied grape berry diameter was 1-3 mm larger as compared to controls ( this means 15-30 % increase in berry weight) . In case of “long berry” varieties additional elongation of 2- 4 mm was observed as compared to controls ! Most importantly as the application of Hi Cell Vitis enhanced the organoleptic parameters of grapes and the grape skin remained thin. It was also observed that Hi Cell Vitis applied grape bunches developed stronger and thicker pedicel. Stronger pedicel means larger berries and bunches thosecan store longer without problem of berry drop!
Uniform Berry development : Uniform berry development is most desired characteristic of table grape cultivation. Hi Cell Vitis provides best solution to this problem by ensuring the uniform berry development in all types of grapes varieties.
Brix ( Sugar Content ) : For grape growers in around the world achieving desired brix levels specially in early grape varieties is a difficult proposition. But for consumer it is the most important criteria at the time of making purchase decisions. Otherwise too for various reasons such as, sudden drop in temperatures, extended period of cloudy conditions during maturity, heavy load of grapes etc the grape berries often fail to produce desired brix levels ! It was observed that the Hi Cell Vitis applied (at rate of 3-6 ml/ litre of water) 15 days before harvest ,increased the brix of Grapes by 1-3% uniformly. This is an very important finding that can have far reaching positive commercial implication in table grape as well as in wine making industry as well. Until now the only known method to increase the brix content grape was to apply elemental potassium in various forms, this increases the brix by meagre .5% at the most. In Hi Cell Vitis the farmers have one assured means to increase the brix levels of table and wine grapes to the tune of 1-3% subject to nutrient availability is not a constraint !
Berry Colour :Adverse climatic events and disease infestation can lead to biotic and abiotic stresses those can delay the colour formation in coloured grapes. Application of Hi Cell Excel can curtail this problem significantly, thereby inducing the grape vine to produce high quality berries of uniform colour and higher brix.
Berry cracking and flesh firmness :Hi cell Vitis increases the berry’s resistance to cracking. Hi cell Vitisapplied berries were more firmerand remained so even during extended storage. In some cases, where the grape farm was effected by rains during/ pre harvest stages Hi Cell Vitis applied berries were found to have substantially less amount of cracking as compared to controls.
Berry Bloom and Shine : Due to biotic and abiotic stressful situations the grape bunches turn pale in colour or many times loose their natural bloom .Application Hi Cell Vitisregularly on table grape varieties imparts healthy green colour shine and bloom on the grape bunches. This is a very important quality criteria for the grapes in export market.
Extended Storage : Seedless grapes varieties subjected to biotic and abiotic stresses have poor storage capacity in cold storage (and also on supermarket shelves). Application of Hi Cell Vitis at the rate of 2-4 ml /litre of water 10-15 days before harvest will result in firmer flesh of higher brix content over extended period of time. Hi Cell Vitis decreases the tendency of the pedicel of the grape bunches to dry prematurely thereby extending the storage and shelf life of the grapes.
PHI ( Pre Harvest Interval ): With Hi Cell Vitisthe grape farmer need not worry about PHI. Since being a 100 % herbal and Non GMO product there is no need for mandatory PHI. How ever we advise a min PHI of 24 hours ! Every batch of Hi Cell Vitisis tested for pesticide residue from Government approved lab.
Diseases :” Hi Cell Vitis “ applied grape vines were found to have developed better tolerance to Downy and powdery mildew as compared to control. All the Grape farmers who had applied Hi Cell Vitis, told us that they have not used any fungicide during the period of four months before harvest. This is quite a feet considering rampant infestation Downy mildew on grape vines during summer rains in India.
Biotic and Abiotic Stress : In days of climate change all the horticultural crops are subjected to Biotic and Abiotic stresses of various types. In normal situation there is very little that the farmer can do to mitigate these problems . It has been proved in our extensive trails that regular application of Hi Cell Vitiscan help grape vines to mitigate/ adopt to these natural challenges in a better way as compared to controls.
A international patent applied product